
Friday, August 21, 2009

Little update on the baby

So last Thursday my dr. called and told me that my screening for down syndrome came back positive and that I had a 1 in 111 chance that my baby would have down syndrome. He said those are the same odds for a woman who is 35. So anyway this past Wednesday I went to the dr.'s so that they could do an ultrasound to measure the baby and look at the heart. Apparently down syndrome babies tend to be smaller then normal babies. The dr. said that the baby looked perfect but that's still not a guarantee that it won't have down syndrome. The only guarantee way for me to know is if I had an amniocentesis. That's where they stick a needle in my belly and pull out some amniotic fluid to test for chromosome defects. The amniocentesis can result in miscarriage but it's not a common thing. However, as of right now I do not plan on having it done. I am worried that my baby may have down syndrome but I would rather find out after it is born than to have an unhappy pregnancy. I know I will love this baby no matter what but it is hard to take in. I wasn't suppose to find out what I was having until next Monday but since they did the ultrasound they did let me know that it is a boy. Oh and I can't feel it all the time but he moves like crazy! Through the whole ultrasound he wouldn't stop moving! lol. So for now things look okay. I have to go back in 4 weeks so they can take another look at the heart since it will be bigger. In the meantime I would just ask everyone to pray for this baby. I just want him to be healthy and happy. Here is a little more information about the prenatal testing for down syndrome in case anyone is interested.


  1. Hey there...I saw your blog and wanted to just let you know that I have a 10 month old daughter named Emily who was diagnosed with Ds after she was born. I was only 27 and my husband was 29, so it was quite a shock to say the least. My name is Nicole...if you need to talk or ask any questions, my email is and I will even give you my # if you need to talk. I know what you are going through, but I also know that Emily is one of the greatest things that have happened to us. Look forward to talking with you! Congrats!!

  2. Congratulations on your pregnancy. While there is an increased risk in your statistical ratio for Down syndrome [Trisomy 21] based on soft markers, there is also a real probabily that your baby has the typical chromosome make-up....but either way, this little boy is so lucky to be loved and adored by is parents.

    My fourth child has Down sydnrome and she is the light of our lives. When I was pregnant I had one soft marker, and like you, did not have an amniocentesis. I did begin to read and research just in case, and you are blessed that today there are so many blogs and websites that provide you with a wonderful glimpse into the lives of children with Down syndrome and the rich and full lives they are living with their families. I am going to book mark your blog as I would love to celebrate with you your pregnancy and look forward to the birth of your precious one!

    Peace and love, Tara Marie [proud Momma to Katrina 20, Greta 18, Otto 13 and Emma Sage 8 and sporting a little extra!]

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Its never ceased to amaze me, when I found out I had a 1 in 2 risk of DS, how one minute I felt so alone and frightened the next I found out there where hundreds and thousands of parents out there just like me. Believe me lonely and frightened is a place, I've never let myself go to since.
    I did have a son with DS and like any proud mum I could go on and on- how wonderful he is-and boy is he!
    I will say prayers and keep you and yours in my thoughts over the coming months.
    The chances are your baby will be one of the 110 without an extra 21, but if he/she is the 1- you will never be alone, believe me there is a wonderful DS world wide family waiting to say hi!

  5. Hello and congratulations on your baby boy. I just wanted to stop by and say no matter what the out come, your baby will be a blessing!!!

  6. I just wanted to say thank you all for your kind words. It really is nice to get other people's perspectives and I know this baby will be a blessing no matter what the outcome.

  7. Congratulations on your baby boy! My first and only son is almost 2 and has Down syndrome. We didn't find out until after he was born. Wrapping our minds around it at first was very difficult but it was temporary. Our lives have been enriched with our little guy. We're hoping that he'll be a big brother some day.

    No matter what the outcome with your little boy, he is lucky to have you as parents - already knowing that you will love him for who he is and not who you expect him to be. He is a blessing in your lives as you are in his.
