
Friday, August 21, 2009

Little update on the baby

So last Thursday my dr. called and told me that my screening for down syndrome came back positive and that I had a 1 in 111 chance that my baby would have down syndrome. He said those are the same odds for a woman who is 35. So anyway this past Wednesday I went to the dr.'s so that they could do an ultrasound to measure the baby and look at the heart. Apparently down syndrome babies tend to be smaller then normal babies. The dr. said that the baby looked perfect but that's still not a guarantee that it won't have down syndrome. The only guarantee way for me to know is if I had an amniocentesis. That's where they stick a needle in my belly and pull out some amniotic fluid to test for chromosome defects. The amniocentesis can result in miscarriage but it's not a common thing. However, as of right now I do not plan on having it done. I am worried that my baby may have down syndrome but I would rather find out after it is born than to have an unhappy pregnancy. I know I will love this baby no matter what but it is hard to take in. I wasn't suppose to find out what I was having until next Monday but since they did the ultrasound they did let me know that it is a boy. Oh and I can't feel it all the time but he moves like crazy! Through the whole ultrasound he wouldn't stop moving! lol. So for now things look okay. I have to go back in 4 weeks so they can take another look at the heart since it will be bigger. In the meantime I would just ask everyone to pray for this baby. I just want him to be healthy and happy. Here is a little more information about the prenatal testing for down syndrome in case anyone is interested.

Monday, August 17, 2009

19 Weeks

How far along? 19 weeks

Maternity clothes? I bought my first 3 items this weekend. I bought a black shirt from Target and 2 pairs of jeans that were on sale at Old Navy for $16.99. Thanks Sarah.

Best moment this week? Justin and I got our phones and my 23rd birthday is Friday.

Food craving? Not a lot. I wanted some taco salad really bad the other night and I got some. :)

Baby's gender? We find out next week.

Labor signs? Definitely not!

What I miss: Not taking 20 minutes to get out of bed in the morning

What I'm looking forward to: Finding out what we are having and Disney

Daddy's Thoughts: He just wants to know what it is.

Mommy's Thoughts: It seems like my belly is just growing every night in my sleep or something!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Changing my blog a little bit

Okay so awhile back Nicole sent me a link to a woman that is on blogger and she was pregnant. The woman updated her blog every week with the same questions and it gives you a good idea on how much things can change during your pregnancy. So I will be doing that with my blog for a little while to see how it goes. So far it just seems like nothing is happening and everything is going by so slow. I don't have any recent pictures yet, (not that I want everyone to see me getting bigger!) but I will have some in the next few weeks. So here we go...

How far along? 18 weeks

Maternity clothes? I could probably use some right now but I'm not giving up on my regular clothes until I absolutely have to!

Best moment this week? Justin says he wants to get new phones this week!

Food craving? This week I want Life cereal and I really want some salad.

Baby's gender? We don't know yet but we find out on the 24th. I can't wait!!

Labor signs? Definitely not!

What I miss: Being able to squat! hahaha

What I'm looking forward to: Sarah and I are taking Mia to Disney on the 31st and I am sooo excited!

Daddy's Thoughts: Well he still thinks we are having a boy and he keeps calling it baby Cletus and it's driving me nuts!!! lol

Mommy's Thoughts: I just don't understand why I still can't feel any movement. I don't feel pregnant, I just feel like everything is swelling up.